Tuesday, October 14, 2008

House of Cards

I was walking around outside my office today and I spotted an arresting art installation in Fort Point Channel:

A house of cards. Particularly appropriate, I thought, given recent times—the financial crisis, &c. The installation is by Fort-Point-based artist Lisa Greenfield and, it turns out, "when originally conceived, was intended to signify the tentative nature of artists' housing in Fort Point." My office is in Fort Point, so I suppose that, as part of the local commercialization/gentrification, I'm not helping them much. At least I can appreciate their work while helping price them out.

In any case, the work has taken on additional significance since it was conceived, especially because, directly across the channel, just out of frame to the left, towering 600 feet above the water, is the white modernist mass of the Federal Reserve.

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